Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Contrast-Balance-Then Harmony

This summer while exploring the surrounding area of Souther Utah, I was able to capture some images that not only showed my Facebook friends where I live, but also documented the feelings I was experiencing. Below is one of my favorites because it shows that this was a magical summer for me. I feel the magic of this summer every time I look at the photo. I don't mean to brag, but I am very proud of this image.

Contrast: This image has great contrasting colors as well as contrast in the subject. The gold of the wheat stock immediately pulls your eye because it stands so strong against the soft blue of the naked sky. The two stocks stand out to me. Although there are obviously more surrounding the two, they have the spotlight. The simple sky allows the detail to shine.

Balance: Although I chose to leave so much negative space in the upper left corner I believe I achieved the balance I was looking for. I wanted a very simple image of the grain. I could have raised up and showed the entire field, but I felt that it would have become too complicated. I wanted only two stocks to stand out with all the room in the world to grow.

Harmony: The stocks of grain and the summer sky represent something that is close to my heart. This summer was the summer I found myself, and I found my best friend. The harmony I feel in the real world echoes through these two stocks of grain. They have nothing interfering with their relationship. They have all the time in the world.  They were made for each other.

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